Mudanças nas gemas de cartas lendárias!
Acaba de sair no Reddit, um texto de Ben Brode, comentando que em breve, a gema laranja das cartas lendárias vão mudar. A gema só estará presente nas cartas colecionáveis, hoje está em todas as lendárias (menos no Baú da nova carta Marin, a Raposa). Em breve as mudanças devem ser aplicadas, e a marca de que estas cartas são lendárias será a forma de dragão e não sua gema. Por enquanto tudo permanece como está. Confira abaixo o post de Ben:
[blizzardquote author=”Ben Brode” link=”https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/7b7e4o/marins_chest_is_not_technically_a_legendary/dpg1lkz/?st=j9pxiwz6&sh=0c5fe441″]
We have a consistency pass on the Silver-Dragon being targetable by Rend Blackhand coming soon.
The new rule: The Orange Gem (what Rend currently looks for) will only be on Legendary collectible cards. The Silver Dragon will be on all Legendary cards, collectible or not. In a future patch, Rend will look for the Silver Dragon, not the Orange Gem.
Marin was built while we were in the new-rule mindset, so the chest uses the new rules, but we haven’t actually changed Rend yet, and won’t until the patch after K&C (at the earliest), so it’s a bit funky right now.
Until we do, keep in mind that Legendary = Orange Gem, in gameplay. After the change – Legendary = Silver Dragon.
Sorry for the inconvenience!