Nerf na quest de Ladino!

Fala galera! Saiu um Blue Post falando do nerf da Missão de Ladino, [Cavernas nas Profundezas]! O texto da carta mudará para: “Jogue cinco lacaios com o mesmo nome. Recompensa: Núcleo de Cristal. “Vamos ver qual será a diferença que jogar mais um lacaio pode trazer a jogabilidade do deck!

[blizzardquote author=”Zaerhinon” source=”″]In an upcoming update, we will be making a balance change to the Rogue card:
The Caverns Below.

The Caverns Below now reads:
Quest: Play five minions with the same name. Reward: Crystal Core.

Since the release of Journey to Un’Goro, Hearthstone has enjoyed a wider variety of competitively viable classes and decks than ever before. We’ve been monitoring overall gameplay, and we’ve decided that—even though everything is varied and many decks are viable—a change to The Caverns Below is still warranted.

The Caverns Below is uniquely powerful versus several slower, control-oriented decks and played often enough that it’s pushing those decks out of play. This change should help expand the deck options available to players both now and after the release of the next expansion.[/blizzardquote]

Escolho Druida em qualquer jogo, sem pensar duas vezes. Sou jornalista de formação e de coração, e descobri aqui, neste Mundo de Eluna, meu cantinho para desenvolver textos gamers e com outros assuntos que gosto. Peguei ranque legend em HS, já fiz 12 wins na arena, e continuo procurando raides no WOW quando dá tempo.